A bad deal on a bad night

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Its 2.30 in the mornign in Copenhagen in the Bella Centre. And I'm dejected. These crucial talks about how the planet is to tackle climate change have failed and failed miserablely. This morning we arrived in to news that there was the text of a draft politicial accord. All along this was not what we wanted.
The first low point of the day came when Obama addressed the Plenary. His speech was weak and set the tone for a da filled with dissapointments. I was an obama fan back in the heady days of his election campaign, but now he has failed to display the kind of inspirational policies that would match his inspirational campaign rhetoric.

The day was spent spent running between photocopier and laptop chasing and analysing the latest drafts of the political accord. The tone of the drafts rose and fell as the hours passed but what clearly ran through them all was a vagueness, a woolyness and nothing concrete.
From the drafts we tried to assess who was writing these texts. What is clear is that it was at most 26 countries who ere involved. This is supposed to be the United Nations but clearly not all nations were involved in this process.

AS the day wore on it became clear that there was not hope left in the UN negotiations that have been taking place since Bali in 2007. Obama did a last press conference before geting on the plane to go back to America. Trying to leave behind the impresiion that the job was done.

There was a glimmer of hope for a while when it was hoped that the EU would reject this pathetic damp squid of an outcome. Las they lacked the political courage to stand up for the ambition they claim to have.

They plenary will start soon and the COP will go through the motions of accepting this bad deal, that isn't really even a deal.

I'm not sticking around to see it though.
I'm going to go home now. Its all been decided here by rich nations behind closed doors.